24 March 2020

Things to Do at Home

I hope everyone's doing fine given the current situation. Most of you are now asked to stay at home to work, and might be going stir-crazy so here's a list of things you can do to stay sane.

Before I get on with the list, I want to say that I understand some cities are having it worst than where I'm living, but my country was one of the earliest hit by the virus and have since practiced various measures to stop the spread and flatten the curve. I hope that everyone stays safe and know that things will get better. Cannot emphasize this enough, please practice social responsibility, wear a mask if you're sick and stay away from crowded areas.

1. Set A Schedule

As someone who has worked from home for the past 3 years, it is very important to set a schedule and stick to it. Wake up around the same time you would if you had to go to work (minus commuting), make yourself breakfast and take this time to enjoy it. Wash up and change out of your PJs. Now your mind thinks you're actually ready to go to work. 

If you already have a work desk at home, great, if you don't have a work desk then set up a space at the corner of your room and make that your "work desk". Bonus, since you're working from home, might as well light a candle with refreshing citrus notes (e.g. Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lemongrass etc.) to invigorate you.

2. DIY Projects

Continuing from the earlier point, if you don't have a candle (why not?) either order one online (if they still do delivery) or DIY one yourself. Candle making is pretty simple, all you need are some jars, wax, candle wicks, essential oils and some time to spare - which you do.

If candle making isn't your thing, look around your house and see if there's anything you've been wanting to work on but have put off for the longest time. Now's the time to get creative and work with whatever tools you have to upcycle an old item of yours.

3. Clean and Tidy Your Space

Nothing feels better than a clean and tidy space, am I right? Vacuum and wipe/sanitize your home. Declutter and discard any unwanted things that no longer spark joy. Throw out expired makeup. Delete unused apps, photos or messages on your phone. Once your space and tech are all tidied up, light the candle you made. See, doesn't it feel good?

4. Exercise

Exercise, really? Yes. 

Don't neglect your health and your New Year resolutions just because. In fact, this is probably the best time to focus on what you're eating and your health. There are many workout videos on Youtube, whether it's a HIIT routine or Yoga, pick one that allows you to do at home and follow through.

5. Read a Book

Did you recently get a new book but haven't had the time to read it? Well, here's your chance. I'm currently reading "101 Essays that Will Change the Way You Think" and "Good Vibes, Good Life". If you're looking for self-help books, both are perfect and great for some afternoon light reading.

6. Start a Passion Project

With the extra time now, maybe it's time to work on a passion project to help yourself find the spark in your life. Decide what you want it to be and how you will achieve it. Whether it's a 30-day challenge, a new skill/language, or something that will nourish your soul.

7. Catch Up on TV

I know, there are many other things you could be doing instead of watching TV. Forget the news for a second and put on a tv show that you've been wanting to watch but couldn't find the time to do so. A little comedy and drama would actually do you some good during these trying times. I'm currently watching 100 Humans on Netflix.

8. Learn New Recipes 

Since the start of the year, I've been working on achieving my health goals and that also requires a change in diet. I love food and LOVE TO EAT! But I'm paying extra attention to what goes into my body, and if they are of any nutritional value. Sure, there are days when I still treat myself to a cup of bubble tea but those days are far between now. The book "Eat Beautiful" by Wendy Rowe offers an extensive range of recipes and you can always tweak them to better suit your needs/calorie count.

9. Support Local Businesses

If you're looking for places to shop at, check and see if your local business has an e-commerce store. This way, you don't have to leave your home but at the same time you can help keep these businesses running.

10. Self-Care

It's time to treat yourself, because you deserve it. However, self-care is more than just a luxurious face mask or a bubble bath, it's also about creating and sustaining a life that you don't have to escape from. Something you can do while you're home: cut out that toxic person from your life (I mean, no better time than now). Pause and take a good look at your life and what issues you need to work on. Not happy at your current job? While it's not the best time to just quit and pack up, think about how you can make that enjoyable.

Whether you follow this list or not, just DO NOT attempt to cut your own hair. Leave the scissors where it is. If you do get started on a DIY project, please share it with me I would love to see what you're up to!

For now, I'm going to look for a healthy alternative of cookies. I've been craving for those from Levain Bakery but obviously there's no way I could get them.

Stay gold, xx

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